There have been instances where some artists working on the street decide to incorporate another element into their pieces through video documentation. By far, the most effective and well put together pieces have been executed by the street artist named Blu. This artist utilizes stop animation paired with hand painted imagery on outdoor surfaces, whose scale is grandiose. The transformations that take place mingle with the flat pictorial plane and 3-dimensional space, which allows the term "street art" to be expanded on. The documentation and production of the final animation in video format are essential to the work. The ghostly images that are left behind on the painted walls serve as a form of history in the process. Some images are kept, others are washed away by more layers of paint... Watch some Blu animations. I bet you'll like them.
BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
If you want to see some more, (which I'm sure you do) go to